Hyluronan Gel

Hyluronan gel describes a group of FDA approved dermal fillers that can be used in place of collagen.  Like other dermal fillers, Hyluronan gel products restores volume and fullness to your skin, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, as well as plumping up areas such as lips.

Dr. Franco prefers to use hyluronan gel products to plump lips or to fill oral commissures (commonly called smoker lines). 

What is Juvederm Ultra-Plus?

Juvederm is made from non-animal-based synthetic hyaluronic acid, a naturally existing substance within the human body.  This type of hyaluronic acid virtually eliminates the transmission of animal-based diseases as well as reducing the possibility of allergic reaction.  Juvederm is completely biocompatible with human hyaluronic acid.  In our experience Juvederm lasts six to nine months before it is reabsorbed by the body.

What to Expect

Dr. Franco is a Physician specializing in non-surgical cosmetic procedures.  Dr. Franco, not a nurse or physician’s assistant, performs all injections.  Each patient’s case is unique and a customized procedure plan is determined during a complimentary consultation with the doctor.  The procedure can be performed immediately following a consultation or scheduled for another day.

Juvederm is injected in tiny amounts directly into the skin with an ultra fine needle to cause minimal discomfort.  A topical anesthetic is applied prior to the injections to further alleviate any pain.  The procedure is simple and quick and results are visible almost immediately.

The procedure itself has little risk.  Serious complications are rare.  The most common reaction is slight swelling, bruising, or redness.  These effects should typically resolve themselves within two or three days.  There is a very low risk of infection or contour irregularities.


Juvederm Ultra Plus is priced per cc and is administered in 1 cc syringes.                              

The cost is $510 per 1cc syringe.*

* There is now a fee increase of $5.00 plus 4% added to each transaction. This is Dr. Franco's first price increase in 14 years.